Electrician Blog for Electricians (Sparkys)

Electrical Exam Preparation

We can help you pass your exam…

For over 32 years we have been designing electrical training programs that work. Our programs give you the knowledge and confidence you need to pass your state or local exam the first time.
Whether you are studying for your Journeyman, Master, or other exam, we’re here for you.

Pass your Master or Journeyman electrician test the first time with BLOGS like ours. We offer convenient and easy-to-access electrical exam prep to give you the upper hand on your test.

Our Electrical Exam Preparation tests are state-specific and made up of over 1300 exam questions, many of which are similar to what you’ll find on the real Master Electrician or electrical Journeyman test. We also provide you with the option to begin your studying through comprehensive study guides.

We have blogs on residential electrical wiring for Journeyman Electricians as well as blogs on electrical calculations necessary to be successful on any electrician licensing exam. Be sure to bookmark this blog to stay up to date on our latest articles.

Our Blogs here at SparkyBlog.com are designed to help you understand the National Electrical Code as well as learn about electrical calculations and interesting facts from nationally recognized electrical code expert Paul Abernathy of FastTraxSystem.com

Blog Links:

Electrical Exam Prep: A Fast Trax® Journey

electrical exam prep questions