Troubleshooting: Flickering Lights
Troubleshooting Flickering Lights in Dwelling’s flickering lights in a dwelling can be symptomatic of various electrical problems. It’s essential to identify the underlying cause and
electrical exam prep questions
Electrical Exam Prep Questions There are several resources where you can find the best electrical exam prep questions, depending on the type of electrical exam
Sizing Neutrals (Grounded) in a Parallel Service Explained
Sizing Neutrals (Grounded) in a Parallel Service Explained Updated: Jun 27 We are often obsessed with electrical calculations that seem to say one thing but end
Installing Conductors in Existing Raceways
Installing Conductors in Existing Raceways INSTALLING CONDUCTORS INTO EXISTING RACEWAYS It is common for electricians to install conductors into a conduit raceway system that already
Hidden Dangers of Multiwire Branch Circuits
Dangers of Multiwire Branch Circuits Dangers of Multiwire Circuits One of the dangers of multi-wire circuits is the effect of an open neutral. If the
Fixed Electric Space Heating Calculations
Calculating Fixed Electric Space Heating Fixed Electric Space Heating Equipment Per 424.4(B), fixed electric space heating equipment is a continuous load. To determine the current